Make an online PAYPAL donation:

Donations to the DMO can be accepted in the form of a check written to the Detroit Medical Orchestra or online by credit card.
The Detroit Medical Orchestra is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Public Charity organization allowing your donations to be tax-deductible.
Federal Tax ID# 45-3183266.
We would like to publicly thank you by acknowledging your donation in our concert programs and here on our webpage; however, if you prefer to have your gift be anonymous, please indicate this when making your donation and we will certainly honor this request.
The Detroit Medical Orchestra thanks you for your generous support!

Please mail checks to:
Detroit Medical Orchestra
PO Box 32722
Detroit, MI 48232
We are a non-profit organization that exists to explore the connections between music and healing, foster partnerships among medical and health professionals, and provide community services and community arts services to improve the quality of life for all in the Detroit community. Your support helps us to continue sharing our musical talent with the community. Consider donating today!